Monday, January 4, 2010

Buy Now Save Later!

While we are a society of immediate gratification, today's Real Estate market offers a unique opportunity for buyers with a possible payout in the future! If you have minded your good credit score and are one of the lucky employed individuals with a secure job for at least 2 years, you qualify to take advantage of today's mortgage loans! While you are reviewing your financial outlook for the coming year, don't forget that home prices in most markets offer the buyer an opportunity not seen in years. Many areas have the kind of homes for sale that in the past would have meant that you were a blood relative to be able to own. Now sellers are letting go of properties at not seen before prices in nearly all market sectors of the country. All indications are that markets could be changing with prices rising as early as the second quarter of 2010. If you have a contract in place by April of this year, you may also qualify for a tax credit making the opportunity even more attractive! Take a close look at your investment opportunities and be sure that you consider home buying among them! You just might find that your savings for the future will be directly related to your home purchase today!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Real Estate Good News-Bad News!

If you are a home BUYER here is some good news for you! This fall nearly 50% of all listings sold and closed for about 18% less than the listed price. If you are a SELLER the sales cycle grew to nearly double the time on the market compared to previous years according the Harris County statistics provided by HAR. So the good news is that if you are a qualified buyer, you may be in the best position ever to make a deal on your dream home. If you are a SELLER, keep in mind that although you may have to cut your sales price to get your property sold, you will end up with an opportunity as a BUYER to right your losses. When you enter the market as a BUYER, you may have the chance to make not only your lost equity back but enjoy a larger home with a better equity position overall in the end.

So what are you waiting for? Talk to your Realtor today about getting your home on the market and get out there and start your property search to repurchase. Interest rates are still very low and when you add the tax rebate savings to the equation, you can't do better than this!